Saturday, February 2, 2008

First Snow and Other News

Well, it snowed in Tuscaloosa a few weeks ago! It was all of our first snow in T-town. Neely was not so sure what to think. It snowed just enough to stick on eyelashes, noses, and plants. I felt like a little kid, getting Neely all bundled up and taking her outside. She is in PJ's, her jacket, and her "I have a toothache" hat. It is probably my childhood trauma of growing up in Florida and never seeing seasons change...I was so excited for her! We had an inside day of stickers and coloring. Marcus is such a good sport! What will he do with 3 girls in the house??

Other than that, we are getting Neely's Big Girl room ready for the transition. "Little baby" (as Neely calls her sister) is sneaking up on us! Only 3 more months to go!!

We have all been battling various sicknesses...Marcus the flu , me with allergies, and Neely with some other kind of funk. Hopefully, we will all be better soon and I will be a better blogger.

1 comment:

Susie said...

yea for an update!!! love that cutie all bundled up, and of course holding her baby! hope you are all feeling better and on the mend! love you!