Thursday, October 25, 2007

It's a TWO Baby Day!

Neely has a little "lovie", her pink blanket/ bunny she affectionately calls "Baby." At my best friend Alexis' advice, I bought a spare one and I periodically switch Baby out and wash the dirty one. It was a great day when Neely found the backup Baby. She was running around the house with both of them and squealing!
I also am having a TWO baby day, since I still have a baby, Neely, and I am also pregnant with our second baby! I am 11 weeks pregnant today and am starting to turn the corner, I think, on feeling better! We had our ultrasound last week, and the baby looks fine. I do have a blood clot, or a subchorionic hemorrhage in my placenta that could cause a miscarriage, so we are praying that it will be gone when I go back Novermber 14 for my ultrasound! We are excited about the next stage in our family life!
Also, Neely met Parker Glidewell for the first time a few weeks ago. My dear friend Sandi took us to the zoo in Atlanta. Neely and Parker loved the gorillas, and so did we! Thanks, Sandi!

1 comment:

Matt & Kadie Laughlin said...

Congrats MG!! I hope you are starting to feel better! We will pray for a safe and healthy pregnancy for mom and baby!!
Are you guys going to be in Athens at all this season?? Would LOVE to see you guys!!