Monday, October 1, 2007

A Bulldog Princess

To the Bulldog Nation out there--- How 'Bout Them Dawgs???? I could not help but be tickled as Tate(my nephew) called Neely a "Bulldog Princess" on gameday. How cute is that??
Let's just say I have been waiting for UGA to come to T-town since 5 years ago when I met Marcus for the first time at the game in Tuscaloosa. It was a doozy of a game this time, was it not?? And don't think my brother Travis and I didn't elbow our way to the front of the brood of drunk Georgia frat boys to get on camera at Gameday after the game. Oh yes we did.
Let's also talk for a moment about the Bachelor. My dad made my mom turn it off tonight because of the somewhat questionable moral content (except the lone "Christian" Solisa, that is). Props to you, dad. Wild horses could not have dragged me away. Is there something wrong with me that I just feel all around in a better mood while there is a new season of the Bachelor on TV? Is anybody with me?

Anyway, GO Dawgs!!!! This goes out with hopes that my little Bulldog Princess will actually join the bulldog nation one day. Pipe dreams.


Teresa said...

You are so funny! Thanks for the life update yesterday. Hope you and Neely are getting over your colds b/c Madeline keeps asking me when we can see you guys again. Hopefully Tuesday will work out! Miss you!

Teresa said...

PS-Are you trying to fill the God-shaped void in your heart with The Bachelor? Jesus does this for me (along with The Office)!

Susie said...

girl i am with you!!!! i am laughing so hard right now! my joe is just like your daddy! he has "asked" me not to watch it in years past! so i obliged last year! but this year... i am on the sly watching it with my friend lauren the next day!!! i am LOVING it! we do need help! i am ashamed to admit it to the world that i am a bachelor watcher! oh well, there i said it!

i can't believe we didn't see each other at the game. i totally forgot to call you. shame on me. you looked great and i love that you and travis got on tv! good game!

Sarah said...

It just isn't the same watching the Bechelor with out you, Sarah, Ash, Marcus, Daniel, & Marshall. Don't worry I am still devoted and have my husband sucked in!! :) I will be in town for the Tennessee game and hope to see you!!