Thursday, March 22, 2007

All Moved In

So, we are all moved in and finally out of boxes. I am so grateful, and so sore!! I must be more out of shape than I thought. I think we are really going to love our new house and neighborhood. Neely and I have already taken several walks- one to the playground and to the tennis shop to see Marcus at work. We have not met too many of our neighbors, but I am sure that will come. The house next door is for sale, any takers??

Neely went to G-ma and Pop's and found my old doll, Sugar. We thought it was hilarious because she looked so much like the doll.


Matt & Kadie Laughlin said...

I am so glad that you commented on our blog, so I could find yours! Neely is just precious! I have been keeping up with you guys through Chrystal, but it has been awhile since I've seen a picture. Glad you are all settled in your new house--we know how that feels-it seems we are just getting there in Charleston after 5 months!
Welcome to the world of blogging--so glad we can keep up with each other!1

Susie said...

she is too cute for words!!! love the hat!! glad to hear you are all moved in! would love to see pics of your new home! she does look just like that baby doll! love my little red headed friend! maybe she will have a buddy that looks like her soon!